Key Elements

  • The main or principal applicant must be eighteen years of age and be able to make an investment as required by the Act.
  • The main applicant can include his or her dependents in the citizenship application.
  • Real estate investment of US$325,000 or contribution to the National Development Fund of a minimum of US$230,000.
  • Robust due diligence and background checks will be conducted on applicants.
  • Applicants will be required to provide medical reports.
  • Applicants will be required to provide a police clearance certificate
  • Applicants will not be eligible for citizenship consideration where they possess a criminal record for which the maximum custodial penalty exceeded six months imprisonment, are under criminal investigation, pose a potential national security risk, or have previously been denied a visa to a country with which Antigua and Barbuda has visa free status.

If you would like to learn more about our citizenship services, please feel free to contact Edward Fisher at We look forward to assisting you in achieving your citizenship goals.